Channel Islands Safety on the Vision
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Glen Fritzler, the owner of Truth Aquatics, has a goal to make the Vision the safest boat in CA. Here are some of the things he’s doing to improve safety on the Vision.
1. An additional crew member will be added to aid in the overall operation of the boat
2. Metal fire proof cabinet for charging batteries .
3. Two escape hatches from the bunk room to the outside deck
4. Early detection with the central alarm tied into the steel cabinet with outside ventilation
5. Coast Guard approved fire rating on the new carpeting
6. The central alarm will be tied into air circulating fans to be shut down in case of smoke
7. Adding enhanced lighting to the already existing Coast Guard approved emergency lighting
8. A process for the night watch to periodically store a log image to prove someone is on watch
In Addition to safety improvements on the boat, I am going to have every group I take on the Vision follow certain procedure.
1. From now on I will have everyone go through the escape hatches so we have an experiential understanding of what to do in an emergency.
2. Crates will be provided for gear on the top deck so everything is kept organized and out of the way in case there is an emergency evacuation to the top deck. This was done in August 2019 and it worked brilliantly.
3. Extend tops on the back two tables so we can fit all cameras and not have to eat with cameras in front of us.
See images of the some of the improvements below. More images will be added as they become available.